Flower and bird Chinese style PPT templates

Thể loại: Chinese-wind
Tác giả : Đang cập nhật
  • Định dạng : ppt
  • Lượt xem : 10
  • Số lượt tải : 4
This beautiful set of 26 classic Chinese style PowerPoint templates features intricate designs with flower and bird backgrounds, perfect for presentations that showcase Chinese cultural elements. The cover of the PPT template is adorned with classical wavy patterns and watercolor flower backgrounds, with space in the middle for the title text. The content pages include illustrations of watercolor lotus, grapevine, and various flowers and birds, creating a stunning visual appeal. This template is ideal for creating presentations on Chinese traditional culture, poetry, literature, and more. Available for download on taippt.com, this template is compatible with PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, wps office, office 365, and Google slides. Enjoy and stay healthy!